Solfrid Raknes

4 - 12 YEARS

Magic Mitten is available in English and Ukrainian.



A toolkit to support children affected by war 

Magic Mitten is an app and a printable book developed to support war-affected children. Based on rigorous research and cognitive behavior theory, Magic Mitten helps children cope with the aftermaths of war, including loss, fear, and painful memories. Magic Mitten is a blend of storytelling, interactive exercises, and stunning illustrations, praised for resonating with children's experiences and supporting their emotional and social development. 

Magic Mitten can be used in several ways: by the children alone, accompanied by their parents, or in groups led by a facilitator. When piloted in groups of Ukrainian refugee children in Norway and Syrian refugee children in Lebanon, children, parents, and educators observed remarkable improvements in children's ability to relax, concentrate, and problem-solve. 

Magic Mitten targets children aged 8-12 years. The app is available in Ukrainian and English. The Magic Mitten booklets are also available in Arabic, Hungarian, and Norwegian. The materials are offered free of charge. 

Concept and text: Dr. Solfrid Raknes, Norwegian clinical psychologist and researcher; Dr. Hesna Al Ghaoui, Hungarian former war correspondent, and communication expert on mental health. Illustrations by Bíbor Timkó; App design & initial implementation by Nagarro, maintained by Riltech

Find more information about Magic Mitten´s on the homepage for that material. There, you will also find news about the material and how to access it in different languages. More information in Ukrainain here +47 416 17 343